Rezultati WT - Zlata raca 2
2. delovni test iz prinašanja za Zlato raco 2015
20.-21.6.2015, Gabrje, Slovenija
prireditelj/organizer: Klub za delo prinašalcev & ŠKD Tolmin
sodnika/judges: Laura Lazzaretto (I) & Riccardo Raccanelli (I)
>>> Fotografije z delovnega testa in delavnice - Iztok Noč
>>> Photographs from workshop and WT by Iztok Noč
prireditelj/organizer: Klub za delo prinašalcev & ŠKD Tolmin
sodnika/judges: Laura Lazzaretto (I) & Riccardo Raccanelli (I)
>>> Fotografije z delovnega testa in delavnice - Iztok Noč
>>> Photographs from workshop and WT by Iztok Noč
razred začetniki / beginner class
razred novinci / novice class
razred veterani / veteran class
razred vmesni / intermediate class
razred odprti / open class
Iskrene čestitke vsem tekmovalcem iz Italije, Avstrije, Češke, Finske in Slovenije za vse dosežene točke in velik aplavz za zmagovalce! Najlepša hvala sodnikoma Lauri Lazzaretto in Riccardu Raccaneliju iz Italije za zanimivo zasnovo delovnega testa, odlično sojenje ter potrpljenje z nami že tretje leto zapored! Iskrena hvala inštruktorici Lauri Lazzaretto za uspešno pomoč pri premagovanju različnih težav udeležencev na izčrpnem treningu v soboto pred testom - izvedeli smo toliko novega! Pohvale vsem udeležencem za športno in prijateljsko vzdušje. Našim Zlatim pomočnikom je šlo znova delo tako odlično od rok, da se je vodstvo kluba odločilo letos prvič podeliti tudi posebno Zlato raco za najboljšega pomočnika sezone. Hvala soorganizatorju ŠKD Tolmin in kampu Gabrje, da smo lahko bili že spet vaši gostje na čudovitih terenih ob reki Soči.
Posebna zahvala fotografu Iztoku Noču, da je omogočil vodno delo in za vse krasne fotografije z delavnice in delovnega testa!
Na delovnem testu smo uporabljali prinosila našega generalnega pokrovitelja FIREDOG®, ki je priskrbel tudi bogate nagrade za zmagovalce in darila, za kar se najlepše zahvaljujemo.
Hvala tudi našim ostalim podpornikom in donatorjem: Unikatni drobni izdelki Mitja Jerič s.p., Trgovina Gali in Nika, Energijska osteopatija Špela Suhač, L'Amai,, Forum Lov, Revija Moj Pes, Revija Kinolog in drugim, ki prijazno podpirajo našo dejavnost. Hvala tudi neimenovanim skupinam in posameznikom za njihovo podporo, prostovoljne prispevke in vloženo delo.
Congratulations to all competitors from Italy, Austria, Czech republic, Finland and Slovenia for all the points achieved at working test and big applause to all the winners! Thank you judges Laura Lazzaretto and Riccardo Raccanelli from Italy for designing so interesting steps, excellent judging and your kind patience with us for the third year in a row! Heartfelt thanks to the instructor Laura Lazzaretto for successful assistance to handlers in Saturday's workshop and for helping them overcome a variety of problems - we have learned so many new things! Compliments to attendants for fair play and friendly atmosphere. Our Golden helpers again made such a great job that the Board of the Club decided to award this year for the first time special Golden Duck to the best helper of the season. Thank you coorganizer ŠKD Tolmin and Camp Gabrje for hosting us again on the beautiful grounds by the river Soča.
Special thanks to photographer Iztok Noč for making water work possible and for all the beautiful photographs from workshop and competition!
The working test was run on dummies from our general sponsor FIREDOG®, who also kindly provided us with the rich prizes for winners and gifts - heartfelt thanks!
Thank you also to our other supporters and donors: Unikatni drobni izdelki Mitja Jerič s.p., Trgovina Gali in Nika, Energijska osteopatija Špela Suhač, L'Amai,, Forum Lov, Revija Moj Pes, Revija Kinolog and others, who kindly support our events. Thanks also to all unnamed groups and individuals for their support, contributions and hard work.
Posebna zahvala fotografu Iztoku Noču, da je omogočil vodno delo in za vse krasne fotografije z delavnice in delovnega testa!
Na delovnem testu smo uporabljali prinosila našega generalnega pokrovitelja FIREDOG®, ki je priskrbel tudi bogate nagrade za zmagovalce in darila, za kar se najlepše zahvaljujemo.
Hvala tudi našim ostalim podpornikom in donatorjem: Unikatni drobni izdelki Mitja Jerič s.p., Trgovina Gali in Nika, Energijska osteopatija Špela Suhač, L'Amai,, Forum Lov, Revija Moj Pes, Revija Kinolog in drugim, ki prijazno podpirajo našo dejavnost. Hvala tudi neimenovanim skupinam in posameznikom za njihovo podporo, prostovoljne prispevke in vloženo delo.
Congratulations to all competitors from Italy, Austria, Czech republic, Finland and Slovenia for all the points achieved at working test and big applause to all the winners! Thank you judges Laura Lazzaretto and Riccardo Raccanelli from Italy for designing so interesting steps, excellent judging and your kind patience with us for the third year in a row! Heartfelt thanks to the instructor Laura Lazzaretto for successful assistance to handlers in Saturday's workshop and for helping them overcome a variety of problems - we have learned so many new things! Compliments to attendants for fair play and friendly atmosphere. Our Golden helpers again made such a great job that the Board of the Club decided to award this year for the first time special Golden Duck to the best helper of the season. Thank you coorganizer ŠKD Tolmin and Camp Gabrje for hosting us again on the beautiful grounds by the river Soča.
Special thanks to photographer Iztok Noč for making water work possible and for all the beautiful photographs from workshop and competition!
The working test was run on dummies from our general sponsor FIREDOG®, who also kindly provided us with the rich prizes for winners and gifts - heartfelt thanks!
Thank you also to our other supporters and donors: Unikatni drobni izdelki Mitja Jerič s.p., Trgovina Gali in Nika, Energijska osteopatija Špela Suhač, L'Amai,, Forum Lov, Revija Moj Pes, Revija Kinolog and others, who kindly support our events. Thanks also to all unnamed groups and individuals for their support, contributions and hard work.