Rezultati WT - Zlata raca 2
2. delovni test iz prinašanja za Zlato raco 2013
22.-23.6.2013, Trebnje, Slovenija
prireditelj/organizer: Klub za delo prinašalcev
sodnika/judges: Athanasios Keller (A) & Sebastian Hochreiter (A)
>>> Fotografije z delavnice in delovnega testa - Iztok Noč
/ Photographs from workshop and WT by Iztok Noč
prireditelj/organizer: Klub za delo prinašalcev
sodnika/judges: Athanasios Keller (A) & Sebastian Hochreiter (A)
>>> Fotografije z delavnice in delovnega testa - Iztok Noč
/ Photographs from workshop and WT by Iztok Noč
razred začetniki / beginner class
razred novinci / novice class
razred odprti / open class
razred veterani / veteran class
izven konkurence / out of competition
Čestitke tekmovalcem iz Slovenije, Italije, Avstrije in Finske za udeležbo ter kapo dol vsem uspešnim! Najlepša hvala sodnikoma - Thanosu Kellerju in Sebastianu Hochreiterju iz Avstrije, s pomočjo katerih smo prireditev uspešno izpeljali, potem ko je moral sodnik Bobby Robertson zaradi bolezni svoj obisk v Sloveniji tik pred zdajci preložiti. Thanosu Kellerju še posebej hvala za čudovito prinašalsko delavnico, ki je bila nadvse poučna in zabavna, vzpodbudno in odlično pa je bilo tudi sojenje delovnega testa! Pohvale pridnim pomočnikom za izvedbo nalog, prevajanje in zavzeto pomoč na vseh koncih in krajih. Čestitke trebanjski skupini KDP za odlično organizacijo in gostoljubje ter zahvala lastniku zemljišča za popoln teren. Iskrena hvala generalnemu pokrovitelju Firedogu za kakovostno opremo, bogate nagrade in vsa darila. Hvala ekipi TV Slovenija, da je poročala z dogodka, in fotografu Iztoku Noču za marljivost ter prekrasne fotografije. Hvala Galaksiji Trebnje za okusne jedi, navijačem za podporo in našim donatorjem: Trgovini za male živali Gali in Nika za preskrbo s prinašalsko in drugo pasjo opremo na dogodku, Biomillu za preskrbo s pasjo hrano ter ostalim: Dana, Praetorium Latobicorum's, L'Amai, Energijska osteopatija Špela Suhač, Unikatni drobni ročni izdelki Mitja Jerič s.p., Pesmobil, Radio Koper in Forum lov.
Congratulations to all competitors from Slovenia, Italy, Austria and Finland for entering the event and respects to everyone who passed the test! Many thanks to judges - Thanos Keller and Sebastian Hochreiter from Austria for making the event possible on such a short notice after judge Bobby Robertson had to cancel his visit in Slovenia due to illness. Special thanks to Thanos Keller for most wonderful retriever workshop, which was educational & entertaining and the judging of the working test was most encouraging and excellent as well! Praise goes also to their helpers for their hard work in the field, with translating and all their other help. Congratulations to members of KDP from Trebnje for excellent organization and hospitality. Thanks to owner of the land for offering us perfect grounds. Sincere thanks to general sponsor Firedog for quality equipment, rich prizes and all the gifts. Thank you TV Slovenija for reporting from the event and to photographer Iztok Noč for his hard work and all the beautiful pictures. Thanks to Galaksija Trebnje for the tasteful meals, to spectators for their support and to our donors: Pet shop Gali & Nika for the supply of gundog and other equipment on the event, Biomill for providing dog food, and others: Dana, Praetorium Latobicorum's, L'Amai, Energijska osteopatija Špela Suhač, Unikatni drobni ročni izdelki Mitja Jerič s.p., Pesmobil, Radio Koper and Forum lov.
Congratulations to all competitors from Slovenia, Italy, Austria and Finland for entering the event and respects to everyone who passed the test! Many thanks to judges - Thanos Keller and Sebastian Hochreiter from Austria for making the event possible on such a short notice after judge Bobby Robertson had to cancel his visit in Slovenia due to illness. Special thanks to Thanos Keller for most wonderful retriever workshop, which was educational & entertaining and the judging of the working test was most encouraging and excellent as well! Praise goes also to their helpers for their hard work in the field, with translating and all their other help. Congratulations to members of KDP from Trebnje for excellent organization and hospitality. Thanks to owner of the land for offering us perfect grounds. Sincere thanks to general sponsor Firedog for quality equipment, rich prizes and all the gifts. Thank you TV Slovenija for reporting from the event and to photographer Iztok Noč for his hard work and all the beautiful pictures. Thanks to Galaksija Trebnje for the tasteful meals, to spectators for their support and to our donors: Pet shop Gali & Nika for the supply of gundog and other equipment on the event, Biomill for providing dog food, and others: Dana, Praetorium Latobicorum's, L'Amai, Energijska osteopatija Špela Suhač, Unikatni drobni ročni izdelki Mitja Jerič s.p., Pesmobil, Radio Koper and Forum lov.