Rezultati WT - Zlata raca 3
3. delovni test iz prinašanja za Zlato raco 2019
7. 9. 2019, Mengeš, Slovenija
prireditelj/organizer: Klub za delo prinašalcev & LD Mengeš
sodnika/judges: Martin Incédi (CZ), Péter Yandó (H)
prireditelj/organizer: Klub za delo prinašalcev & LD Mengeš
sodnika/judges: Martin Incédi (CZ), Péter Yandó (H)
razred začetniki / beginner class
razred novinci / novice class
razred vmesni / intermediate class
razred odprti / open class
razred veterani / veterans
Hvala vsem tekmovalcem za udeležbo in čestitke vsem zadovoljnim! Najlepša hvala sodnikoma Martinu Incédiju iz Češke in Pétru Yandu iz Madžarske, da sta sprejela naše povabilo! Hvala inštruktorju Martinu Incédiju za vse nasvete, usmeritve in odlično zasnovane naloge na delavnici v soboto po tekmi ter v nedeljo. Iskrena hvala zlatim pomočnikom, ki so v dneh pred tekmo ter na samem dogodku poskrbeli za vse potrebno! Hvala lastnikom zemljišč, ki so prijazno dovolili, da smo lahko uporabili njihove čudovite terene in hvala Ribiški družini Bistrica Domžale za pomoč pri organizaciji delovišča ob jezeru Pristava. Hvala Lovski družini Mengeš za podporo, prijazno gostoljubje in pomoč pri organizaciji.
Na delovnem testu smo uporabljali prinosila našega generalnega pokrovitelja FIREDOG®, ki je priskrbel tudi nagrade za zmagovalce. Hvala!
Hvala tudi našim donatorjem ter vsem drugim, ki prijazno podpirajo našo dejavnost. Hvala tudi neimenovanim skupinam in posameznikom za njihovo podporo, prostovoljne prispevke in vloženo delo.
Thank you to all participants and congratulations to everyone who is happy with their results! Many thanks to judges Martin Incédi from Czech Republic and Péter Yandó from Hungary who kindly accepted our invitation. Thank you instructor Martin Incédi for all the tips, directions and well-designed exercises at the workshop on Saturday after WT and on Sunday. Heartfelt thanks to the golden helpers for their hard work before and during the event! Thanks to the land owners for their kind permission to use their beautiful grounds and thank you Bistrica Domžale Sport Fishing Association for your help with organization of working grounds by the lake Pristava. Thank you Hunting Association Mengeš for your support, kind hospitality and help with organization .
The working test was run on dummies from our general sponsor FIREDOG®, who also kindly provided us with the prizes for winners. Thank you!
Thank you also to our donors and others, who kindly support our events. Thanks also to all unnamed groups and individuals for their support, contributions and hard work.
Na delovnem testu smo uporabljali prinosila našega generalnega pokrovitelja FIREDOG®, ki je priskrbel tudi nagrade za zmagovalce. Hvala!
Hvala tudi našim donatorjem ter vsem drugim, ki prijazno podpirajo našo dejavnost. Hvala tudi neimenovanim skupinam in posameznikom za njihovo podporo, prostovoljne prispevke in vloženo delo.
Thank you to all participants and congratulations to everyone who is happy with their results! Many thanks to judges Martin Incédi from Czech Republic and Péter Yandó from Hungary who kindly accepted our invitation. Thank you instructor Martin Incédi for all the tips, directions and well-designed exercises at the workshop on Saturday after WT and on Sunday. Heartfelt thanks to the golden helpers for their hard work before and during the event! Thanks to the land owners for their kind permission to use their beautiful grounds and thank you Bistrica Domžale Sport Fishing Association for your help with organization of working grounds by the lake Pristava. Thank you Hunting Association Mengeš for your support, kind hospitality and help with organization .
The working test was run on dummies from our general sponsor FIREDOG®, who also kindly provided us with the prizes for winners. Thank you!
Thank you also to our donors and others, who kindly support our events. Thanks also to all unnamed groups and individuals for their support, contributions and hard work.