Rezultati WT - Zlata raca 4
4. delovni test iz prinašanja za Zlato raco 2013
16.-17.11.2013, Ljubljana, Slovenija
prireditelj/organizer: Klub za delo prinašalcev & KD Šmarna gora
sodnika/judges: Wolfgang Harrer (A) & Athanasios Keller (A)
prireditelj/organizer: Klub za delo prinašalcev & KD Šmarna gora
sodnika/judges: Wolfgang Harrer (A) & Athanasios Keller (A)
razred začetniki / beginner class
razred novinci / novice class
razred veterani / veteran class
razred odprti / open class
izven konkurence / out of competition
Čestitke vsem tekmovalcem iz Slovenije in Italije, ki ste
zadovoljni s svojim delom in z delom vaših psov - prinašalcev. :-) Najlepša
hvala avstrijskima sodnikoma Wolfgangu Harrerju in Athanasiosu Kellerju za
odlično sojenje, nasvete in vse spodbudne besede. Posebej se jima zahvaljujemo tudi
za zelo poučno nedeljsko delavnico z veliko uporabnimi nasveti in razlago za
pravilno ter uspešno vodenje psov prinašalcev.
Hvala soorganizatorju Kinološkemu društvu Šmarna gora za pomoč pri organizaciji in super terene. Posebna zahvala gre vsem Zlatim pomočnikom, ki so pomagali, da je tekma potekala nemoteno, sproščeno in tekoče.
Hvala gostilni Bizeljčan za okusno pogostitev in prostore za podelitev rezultatov in nagrad.
Hvala obema fotografoma Iztoku Noču in Vidi Habjanič za super slike, trobentaču Žan Cindrić Jerič za popestritev zaključne prireditve in napovedovalcema Robertu in Meti Bogataj za odlično povezovanje dogodka, pomoč pri vodenju, prevajanju, slike, reportažo dogodka in za veliko pozitivne energije. Najlepša hvala generalnemu pokrovitelju Firedogu za vso prinašalsko opremo, super nagrade in darila. Hvala družini Jerič in Unikatni drobni ročni izdelki Mitja Jerič s.p. za čudovite pokale Zlate race za našo zaključno prireditev Zlata raca 2013. Hvala tudi vsem ostalim podpornikom in donatorjem: Kmetija Erjavec, Kmetija Benedetič, Trgovina Gali in Nika, Maja Povše- Ljubljana, Frontline, L'Amai, Energijska osteopatija Špela Suhač,, RTV Slovenija, Radio Koper, Forum Lov, Revija Moj Pes in drugim.
Najlepša hvala tudi vsem neimenovanim skupinam in posameznikom za ves trud, dobro voljo, podporo, potrpljenje in super sproščeno vzdušje. Brez vas ne bi bilo mogoče!
Upamo, da bomo tako dobro oz. še boljše nadaljevali tudi naslednje leto in vsa leta naprej. Vsi, mi in naši kužki, kajti vedno smo slabši kot bomo jutri in boljši od včeraj.
Veselimo se ponovnega srečanja z vami! Se vidimo marca 2014!
Congratulations to all the competitors from Slovenia and Italy that are satisfied with your work and the work of your dogs - retrievers. :-) Big thanks to our Austrian judges Wolfgang Harrer and Athanasios Keller for excellent trial advice and all the encouraging words. We especially thank them for a very informative workshop on Sunday with a lot of useful tips and explanations for correct and effective handling of our retriever dogs.
Thanks to the co-organizer Kennel Club Šmarna gora to assist in the organization and for their great fields and woods. Special thanks go to all the Golden assistant who helped the game to run smoothly and relaxed.
Thanks to the inn Bizeljčan for a delicious buffet and separate rooms for the final ceremony with announcement of results and awards.
Thanks to both photographers Vidi Habjanič and Iztok Noč for great pictures, the trumpet-player Žan Cindrić Jerič to spice up the ceremony, and the speakers Robert and Meta Bogataj for an excellent moderating of the event, management assistance, translation, photos, reportage of the event and a lot of positive energy.
We are grateful to our general sponsor Firedog for equipment, great prizes and all the gifts. Thanks to the Jerič family and their Unique small artifacts Mitja Jerič sp for the beautiful cups for the Golden duck for our final event of the Golden Duck cup 2013. Thanks also to all the other supporters and donors: Kmetija Erjavec, Kmetija Benedetič, Trgovina Gali in Nika, Maja Povše- Ljubljana, Frontline, L'Amai, Energijska osteopatija Špela Suhač,, RTV Slovenija, Radio Koper, Forum Lov, Revija Moj Pes, and others.
Many thanks to all the unnamed groups and individuals for their efforts, good will, support, patience and a great relaxed atmosphere. Without you it would not be possible!
We hope to be as good or better next year and the years ahead - all , we and our dogs, because we are always worse than tomorrow and better than yesterday.
We look forward to meeting you! See you in March 2014 !
Hvala soorganizatorju Kinološkemu društvu Šmarna gora za pomoč pri organizaciji in super terene. Posebna zahvala gre vsem Zlatim pomočnikom, ki so pomagali, da je tekma potekala nemoteno, sproščeno in tekoče.
Hvala gostilni Bizeljčan za okusno pogostitev in prostore za podelitev rezultatov in nagrad.
Hvala obema fotografoma Iztoku Noču in Vidi Habjanič za super slike, trobentaču Žan Cindrić Jerič za popestritev zaključne prireditve in napovedovalcema Robertu in Meti Bogataj za odlično povezovanje dogodka, pomoč pri vodenju, prevajanju, slike, reportažo dogodka in za veliko pozitivne energije. Najlepša hvala generalnemu pokrovitelju Firedogu za vso prinašalsko opremo, super nagrade in darila. Hvala družini Jerič in Unikatni drobni ročni izdelki Mitja Jerič s.p. za čudovite pokale Zlate race za našo zaključno prireditev Zlata raca 2013. Hvala tudi vsem ostalim podpornikom in donatorjem: Kmetija Erjavec, Kmetija Benedetič, Trgovina Gali in Nika, Maja Povše- Ljubljana, Frontline, L'Amai, Energijska osteopatija Špela Suhač,, RTV Slovenija, Radio Koper, Forum Lov, Revija Moj Pes in drugim.
Najlepša hvala tudi vsem neimenovanim skupinam in posameznikom za ves trud, dobro voljo, podporo, potrpljenje in super sproščeno vzdušje. Brez vas ne bi bilo mogoče!
Upamo, da bomo tako dobro oz. še boljše nadaljevali tudi naslednje leto in vsa leta naprej. Vsi, mi in naši kužki, kajti vedno smo slabši kot bomo jutri in boljši od včeraj.
Veselimo se ponovnega srečanja z vami! Se vidimo marca 2014!
Congratulations to all the competitors from Slovenia and Italy that are satisfied with your work and the work of your dogs - retrievers. :-) Big thanks to our Austrian judges Wolfgang Harrer and Athanasios Keller for excellent trial advice and all the encouraging words. We especially thank them for a very informative workshop on Sunday with a lot of useful tips and explanations for correct and effective handling of our retriever dogs.
Thanks to the co-organizer Kennel Club Šmarna gora to assist in the organization and for their great fields and woods. Special thanks go to all the Golden assistant who helped the game to run smoothly and relaxed.
Thanks to the inn Bizeljčan for a delicious buffet and separate rooms for the final ceremony with announcement of results and awards.
Thanks to both photographers Vidi Habjanič and Iztok Noč for great pictures, the trumpet-player Žan Cindrić Jerič to spice up the ceremony, and the speakers Robert and Meta Bogataj for an excellent moderating of the event, management assistance, translation, photos, reportage of the event and a lot of positive energy.
We are grateful to our general sponsor Firedog for equipment, great prizes and all the gifts. Thanks to the Jerič family and their Unique small artifacts Mitja Jerič sp for the beautiful cups for the Golden duck for our final event of the Golden Duck cup 2013. Thanks also to all the other supporters and donors: Kmetija Erjavec, Kmetija Benedetič, Trgovina Gali in Nika, Maja Povše- Ljubljana, Frontline, L'Amai, Energijska osteopatija Špela Suhač,, RTV Slovenija, Radio Koper, Forum Lov, Revija Moj Pes, and others.
Many thanks to all the unnamed groups and individuals for their efforts, good will, support, patience and a great relaxed atmosphere. Without you it would not be possible!
We hope to be as good or better next year and the years ahead - all , we and our dogs, because we are always worse than tomorrow and better than yesterday.
We look forward to meeting you! See you in March 2014 !