Rezultati WT - Zlata raca 4
4. delovni test iz prinašanja za Zlato raco 2016
15.-16. 10. 2016, Bistra, Slovenija
prireditelj/organizer: Klub za delo prinašalcev
sodnika/judges: Petra Loidl (A) & Ton Buijs (NL)
>>> Album s fotografijami z delovnega testa Mateja Urbanije in Iztoka Noča!
>>> Photo album from WT by Matej Urbanija and Iztok Noč!
prireditelj/organizer: Klub za delo prinašalcev
sodnika/judges: Petra Loidl (A) & Ton Buijs (NL)
>>> Album s fotografijami z delovnega testa Mateja Urbanije in Iztoka Noča!
>>> Photo album from WT by Matej Urbanija and Iztok Noč!
razred začetniki / beginner class
razred novinci / novice class
razred vmesni / intermediate class
razred odprti / open class
razred mladi vodnik in pes / young handler and a dog
Pa nam je uspelo še četrtič letos! Čestitke vsem tekmovalcem iz Italije, Avstrije in Slovenije, še posebej pa zmagovalcem in pogumnim mladim vodnikom! Hvala sodnikoma in hkrati inštruktorjema Petri Loidl iz Avstrije in Tonu Buijsu z Nizozemske za raznolike vaje, odlično sojenje, zelo prijetno vzdušje in potrpežljivost ter obenem za zelo poučno in sproščeno delavnico, na kateri smo dobili številne dragocene napotke za delo. Iskrena hvala našim Zlatim pomočnikom - brez vas delovnega testa ne bi bilo mogoče izvesti! Hvala tudi Gostilni Bistra za gostoljubje ter lokalni pašni skupnosti, ki nam je odstopila zemljišča za izvedbo delovnega testa in delavnice. Najlepše se zahvaljujemo tudi našemu požrtvovalnemu fotografu Mateju Urbaniji, ki je bil z nami prvič, a upamo, da ne zadnjič!
Na delovnem testu smo uporabljali prinosila našega generalnega pokrovitelja FIREDOG®, ki je priskrbel tudi praktične nagrade za zmagovalce. Hvala!
Hvala tudi drugim podpornikom in donatorjem: Unikatni drobni izdelki Mitja Jerič s.p., Trgovina Gali in Nika, Energijska osteopatija Špela Suhač, L'Amai,, Forum Lov, Revija Moj Pes, Revija Kinolog in drugim, ki prijazno podpirajo našo dejavnost. Hvala tudi neimenovanim skupinam in posameznikom za njihovo podporo, prostovoljne prispevke in vloženo delo.
We did it again, the 4th time this year! Congratulations to competitors from Italy, Austria and Slovenia, especially to all the winners and our courageous young handlers! Thank you judges and instructors Petra Loidl from Austria and Ton Buijs from Netherlands for interesting steps, excellent judging, very nice atmosphere and your kind patience! Special thanks for a really instructive and released workshop - we got a lot of suggestions for our training! Heartfelt thanks to our Golden helpers - without you, it'd be impossible to realized the WT! Thank you Gostilna BIstra for the hospitality and pasture community for allowing us organize the event on your lands. Special thanks to our self-sacrificing
photographer Matej Urbanija - it was the first time for him on our events, but we hope it wasn't the last!
The working test was run on dummies from our general sponsor FIREDOG®, who also kindly provided us with the useful prizes for winners and gifts - heartfelt thanks!
Thank you also to our other supporters and donors: Unikatni drobni izdelki Mitja Jerič s.p., Trgovina Gali in Nika, Energijska osteopatija Špela Suhač, L'Amai,, Forum Lov, Revija Moj Pes, Revija Kinolog and others, who kindly support our events. Thanks also to all unnamed groups and individuals for their support, contributions and hard work.
Na delovnem testu smo uporabljali prinosila našega generalnega pokrovitelja FIREDOG®, ki je priskrbel tudi praktične nagrade za zmagovalce. Hvala!
Hvala tudi drugim podpornikom in donatorjem: Unikatni drobni izdelki Mitja Jerič s.p., Trgovina Gali in Nika, Energijska osteopatija Špela Suhač, L'Amai,, Forum Lov, Revija Moj Pes, Revija Kinolog in drugim, ki prijazno podpirajo našo dejavnost. Hvala tudi neimenovanim skupinam in posameznikom za njihovo podporo, prostovoljne prispevke in vloženo delo.
We did it again, the 4th time this year! Congratulations to competitors from Italy, Austria and Slovenia, especially to all the winners and our courageous young handlers! Thank you judges and instructors Petra Loidl from Austria and Ton Buijs from Netherlands for interesting steps, excellent judging, very nice atmosphere and your kind patience! Special thanks for a really instructive and released workshop - we got a lot of suggestions for our training! Heartfelt thanks to our Golden helpers - without you, it'd be impossible to realized the WT! Thank you Gostilna BIstra for the hospitality and pasture community for allowing us organize the event on your lands. Special thanks to our self-sacrificing
photographer Matej Urbanija - it was the first time for him on our events, but we hope it wasn't the last!
The working test was run on dummies from our general sponsor FIREDOG®, who also kindly provided us with the useful prizes for winners and gifts - heartfelt thanks!
Thank you also to our other supporters and donors: Unikatni drobni izdelki Mitja Jerič s.p., Trgovina Gali in Nika, Energijska osteopatija Špela Suhač, L'Amai,, Forum Lov, Revija Moj Pes, Revija Kinolog and others, who kindly support our events. Thanks also to all unnamed groups and individuals for their support, contributions and hard work.